Monday, March 3, 2008

Japan Fam coming home...

I know Yuzuru is in the middle of her work and all that, so I am waiting patiently to find out your visiting dates.
Does anyone have an idea of stuff to do? The weather isn't going to be as nice as it was the day we came over to RiverFront Park, but maybe we can do something as a family in Spokane. I talk about my nieces enough, my co-workers really want to see them again!
I would love to do something fun on the days I have off work. I understand if we end up not doing anything but hanging out at mom's, though.

I am hoping to take a couple days off to spend with the family, I already have March 24th off to take my Josh's daughter back to Tri-Cities after Easter. We'll be doing driving on the Saturday before and the Monday not sure if you guys will be here then. =)


J-rod said...

There is still a lot up in the air on our end so the dates are hard to come by, but we have to be in Japan on March 20 and April 4th. With the time changes, that means the earliest we'd get there would be March 21 and we have to leave by April 2 (to arrive on the 3rd). We'd like to get out and do some stuff but it doesn't have to be fancy. Maybe a trip to the IMAX, maybe a drive up to Sandpoint for lunch, maybe...?

We're hoping to get 10 days in but we'll see what the tickets' availability is. Yuzuru is pretty stubborn about Miku going to pre-school (personally I don't think it is such a bad thing to miss a week or more even, as long as she makes the big events), so we have to wait till her school finishes. That only leaves a few days until the school year starts in April.

Phaedra said...

I will be patient still.
I understand you guys have to be there for those days too.
I can probably do last minute vacation requests, and be fine, it'd just be nice to not have to spring it on some other employees. No biggie though! You can guarantee I will have days off to spend with you guys! Easter is the 23rd ya know. It'd be really cool if you guys could be over and meet Taylor. I think you guys met Josh already...

Unknown said...

Right now we are looking at leaving Japan on March 21 and leaving the USA on April 2. Due to some restrictions on the tickets, we might have to create a layover somewhere. We're thinking about maybe goign to Eugene or even staying in Denver (which we'd be routed through anyway) and going skiing. Or Disneyland (Tokyo or Anaheim). Or San Fran. Not sure what's going to happen, but I'll keep you updated.

Phaedra said...

You guys could be here for EASTER! That would be so rad!

J-rod said...

I'm more excited about Good Friday personally.

We might end up going skiing in Idaho. Anyone else up for a day on the slopes?